Are you having trouble with your Rizal course?
Do you need help interpreting the novels, plays, essays, and poems by Rizal?
Do you have so many more chapters of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo to read in so little time?
Or do you simply want to enrich your knowledge of the life and works of the national hero of the Philippines?
We have all the solutions and resources for you, FREE!
Here at TheLifeandWorksofRizal, we are dedicated to providing FREE resources to students, teachers, college professors, researchers, etc. on the following subjects and more:
- Jose Rizal's Contribution to Different Industries
- Noli Me Tangere Chapter Summaries and Analyses
- El Filibusterismo Chapter Summaries and Analyses
- Literary Interpretation of the Poems by Jose Rizal
- Current Updates and News Features on Rizal's Legacy
- Rizal Course Study Guides
- Essays and Expositions on Jose Rizal's Philosophies
- Comprehensive and Easy-to-Use Notes on the Life of Rizal
- Details of Jose Rizal's Exile in Dapitan
- Movies and other Media on the Life and Works of Rizal
- Rarely Discussed Topics and Controversial Issues Regarding Rizal's Philosophies
- Virtual Tours and Photo Galleries of Monuments, Parks, and Significant Places in the Life of Jose Rizal
Thousands of students and professors taking up and facilitating a Rizal course have found this site invaluably helpful in complying with and designing course requirements. Information provided on this site is accurate, as based on published books and study guides that are listed on the Resources page. The creators of this online platform do not claim copyrights to all digitally published materials (see Disclaimer at the bottom of the page).
We appreciate your comments and suggestions!
Please feel free to leave us a message or tell us about what you think by posting a comment anywhere in this site. We appreciate suggestions, and would like to hear what our readers have to say.
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We are open to submissions!
TheLifeandWorksofRizal is currently accepting submissions online. We would be truly honored to feature your post and show our gratitude by publishing your full bylined work. Article submissions can include:
- Noli Me Tangere chapter analyses and essays
- El Filibusterismo chapter analyses and essays
- Noli Me Tangere book reviews
- El Filibusterismo book reviews
- Any category of essays concerning the life and works of Jose Rizal
- Noli Me Tangere scripts for stage plays and drama
- El Filibusterismo scripts for stage plays and drama
- Posters, drawings, comic strips, abstract paintings, and other works of art
- Song compositions (audio/video) and recorded plays (audio/video)
- And anything else you would want to get posted.
Simply send your submissions to thelifeandworksofrizal@gmail.comand we'll notify you when we publish your work!
Quick Links
To watch the movie Jose Rizal online.
Download these free audiobooks today and listen to Rizal on your iPod or any audio player!
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